輻射污染疑慮重創日本國內魚市場並刺激水產品進口 對日本水產品的需求,在3月11日受到地震及海嘯衝擊引發福島核災後已逐步下滑。隨後日本官方首度證實損毀反應爐外洩的輻射性物質流入福島周邊水域的消息造成輻射污染疑慮升溫,導致東京水產品價格一落千丈並刺激水產品進口。日本內閣官房長官枝野幸男(Yukio Edano)表示,自福島核能廠附近海水檢出碘、銫等放射性物質超酒店工作標後,已指示厚生省等相關單位加強海水及水產品輻射監控。儘管衛生官員認為目前檢測出的輻射汙染標準不會立即危害健康,尚無需禁止食用該區域出產的水產品,然因輻射污染疑慮而門可羅雀的築地市場水產品交易商疾呼當局應盡速做出因應對策。Statistics Japan指出,鄰近日本核電廠的宮城縣、岩手縣及福島縣的水產品總產量高達707,500公噸,佔日本年產量560萬公噸的13%。印尼水產開幕活動品加工暨行銷聯盟主席認為日本今年對進口水產品的需求可望成長5%。印尼2010年外銷日本的水產品以載運高達37,500萬美元的蝦為最大宗,鮪魚以16,000萬美元居次。印尼去年外銷日本的水產品總產值高達69,200萬美元。每日外銷200公噸的加工水產品中5%的買主為10家日本企業的菲律賓鮪罐出口商Alliance Select Foods International Inc.,期望日本鮪罐需求能持續成長。挪威出口商也準情趣用品備增加日本水產品銷量,挪威鮭魚2月出口產值成長15%;生鮮鮭魚勢必成為市場搶手貨。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 6/2011,1 April 2011)RADIATION FEARS HIT DOMESTIC FISH MARKETConfirmation on radioactive materials leaking into seawater around Japan’s crippled Fukushimareactor sent fish sales plummeting in Tokyo. Demand for seafood has been falling 租屋since theincident, but the first official reports of contamination drove even more shoppers away fromTokyo’s biggest fish market.The Health Ministry ordered officials to increase the monitoring of seawater and seafood afterelevated levels of radioactive iodine and caesium were found in ocean waters near the complex.Health officials report that 住商房屋the levels of contamination detected so far pose no immediate risk tohealth, and a ban on seafood from the area is not yet necessary.Meanwhile, fish traders inside Tsukiji Fish Market complained about the lack of customers andurged the government to tackle the issue quickly.RADIATION SCARE MAY BOOST SEAFOOD IMPORTSChief Cabinet Secretary Yukio 酒肉朋友Edano said that the government has instructed regulators toimplement maximum monitoring on Japan’s seafood. The prefectures nearest the nuclear plantdamaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami – Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima – produce707,500 MT of seafood, accounting for 13% of Japan’s 5.6 million MT of annual production,according to 辦公室出租Statistics Japan.The seafood scare in Japan, on the other hand, can increase seafood imports.The chairman of the Indonesian Fishery Product Processing and Marketing Association, said thatdemand for imported seafood in Japan may increase 5% this year. Indonesia’s largest seafoodexport to Japan by value was shrimp, with shipments worth US$375 術後面膜million, followed by tuna,which accounted for US$160 million in 2010. Indonesia exported a total of US$692 million worthof seafood to Japan last year.Philippines Alliance Select Foods International Inc., an exporter of canned tuna, expects demandfrom Japan to rise. The company exports all the 200 MT of processed seafood daily and about5% is sold 代償to 10 Japanese companies.Norwegian exporters are also preparing for increased seafood sales to Japan. The value ofNorwegian salmon exports rose by 15% in February, and the industry has received signals thatthere will be much more demand for fresh salmon.

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